Thursday, May 15, 2008

One Angry Man

If you're wondering about the new sub-title above, then check this out.

Bissinger was actually describing all sports-blogs rather than this one in particular but, hey, sometimes you've got to show a little solidarity!

I very much take the Deadspin side in this debate, though to paraphrase Mandy Rice-Davies, I would, wouldn't I.

Anyone got any views on how 'responsible' you should be with your posts (and comments) at places like this? To bring it closer to home, should we take into account the feelings of people like Saj, and The Show-Pony, before we start making sarcastic or detrimental comments about them?


Jrod said...

Thanks for linking to this, it was really interesting (even if i am burning my copy of friday night lights).

Recently a few cricketers had contacted me in regards to my blog, the overwhelming thoughts were that it was great, but there was one cricketer who was less than pleased.

I don't see why journalists and bloggers can't "just get along", journalism has been stale for a while now, and I think blogging is keeping them honest.

We all know there are crap bloggers out there, but a quick search over bbc or cric info and you see crap there as well.

Anonymous said...

It seems to me that neither one of them made their points very well, certainly not well enough to change anyone's existing view.
And if you're asking blog readers to comment on the value of blogs, you're only going to get one answer. As I'm sure you realise.
However, gratuitous insults are unwanted, wherever they're expressed. Well-considered insults - maybe they have their place.
Jrod - was it The Tongue?

Tybalt said...

Recently a few cricketers had contacted me in regards to my blog, the overwhelming thoughts were that it was great, but there was one cricketer who was less than pleased.

Fuck him. We pay his wages. Dance for us, monkey! Dance!

In re Bissinger, having worked in a number of North American press boxes over the years, I can assure you that the main complaint about blogs and new media by the old guard isn't that they are disrespectful of athletes, it's that they are disrespectful of the old guard. Bissinger's a talented writer (not my cup of tea, mind) but he's got the heart of a nickel-a-word hack. Guys like him HATE having that pointed out - the ones without talent even moreso.

Jrod said...

Kym, no it wasn't the tongue, but sounds like...

Tybalt, here here.